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10th Jul 2024 9:00am News

ACT publishes Teaching Active Citizenship - Guidance for Teachers

We're excited to announce the release of our latest publication, Teaching Active Citizenship - Guidance for Teachers.

ACT publishes Teaching Active Citizenship – Guidance for Teachers

We’re excited to announce the release of our latest publication, Teaching Active Citizenship – Guidance for Teachers.

This new resource is part of a series by the Association for Citizenship Teaching (ACT) designed to offer practical guidance on key areas of the national curriculum for Citizenship.

The publication was created through a collaborative effort between ACT colleagues, teachers, and researchers, who were recognised at our annual Teaching Citizenship Awards ceremony held on 26th June 2024. Collaboration is a core value at ACT, and this guide is a shining example of that principle in action.

ACT publishes Teaching Active Citizenship - Guidance for Teachers
Contributors to Teaching Active Citizenship - Guidance for Teachers recognised at the ACT Teaching Citizenship Awards 2024

Why Active Citizenship Matters

Democratic societies flourish when their citizens are engaged and actively contribute to their communities and political life. This is why teaching active citizenship is a central focus for us at ACT, and it's a key part of the national curriculum for Citizenship at both Key Stages 3 and 4. We understand that teaching active citizenship can feel overwhelming. That's where this new guide comes in! Packed with practical ideas and insights from experienced teachers, it provides the support you need to navigate this crucial aspect of the curriculum. We hope you find Teaching Active Citizenship - Guidance for Teachers a valuable resource.

Liz Moorse
ACT Chief Executive
Download the guidance