ACT Teaching Citizenship Conference Resources
Couldn't make the conference or just want to catch up on the sessions you missed? Access all the workshop recordings and resources here
Developing the digital citizen:
What do teachers need to know? AI, Rights and Democracy
I have long awaited an opportunity to attend an ACT conference and I have enjoyed all aspects of the day - sessions, networking and meeting new colleagues.
Citizenship Teacher and 2024 Conference Attendee
1A - Can we legislate away misinformation in the AI age?
European Parliament Liaison Office in the United Kingdom
1B – Teaching digital news literacy
The Day
1C – Citizenship in a time of AI
Martin Ridley, St Peter’s Catholic School, Bournemouth
1D – Bridging Borders
Bryony Hoskins, G-Epic
2A – Teaching about AI and the upcoming general election
Olivia Platman, The Economist Educational Foundation
2B – The role of social media in anti-Jewish racism in the classroom
The National Holocaust Centre and Museum
2C – Should AI be in UK classrooms?
Sam Clarke, Canterbury Christ Church University
3A – Responding to conspiracy theory, disinformation and dangerous ideas in the classroom
Jeremy Hayward, IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society
3B – A better friend, a better cheater or a better tutor? Generative AI and the law
Jaspal Kaur Sadhu Singh, Canterbury Christ Church University
3C – Using AI to support our GCSE students structure A03 answers
Leigh Canning, Stantonbury School, Milton Keynes
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NCS Trust
Founded in 2009 and given Royal Charter Body status in 2018, NCS (National Citizen Service) is the only dedicated public body for youth, and a key component of the Government’s National Youth Guarantee. Through trips away from home, grant-funded programmes that take place in their community, and online experiences, young people can find their strengths and become world-and work-ready.
NCS Life Skills Discussion Videos
The Day
In case you missed it, The Day took home the prize for Organisation of the Year at the 2024 awards ceremony. Since 2011, The Day have been turning news into lessons for 900 schools across the world, engaging 1 million students per day with topical, engaging current affairs resources.
If you’d like to learn more about how to embed digital literacy, oracy, critical-thinking and global awareness throughout the curriculum, why not speak to a member of their Education team for a free consultation or 7-day trial? Or, take out an affordable full-school membership – they’re offering citizenship teachers the chance to get the rest of summer free (and avoid rising prices!) when you become a member before the 19th of July. Find out more: