What substantative knowledge can support our teaching of fraud and financial crime in the Citizenship curriculum?
This is the second in our series focused on teaching Fraud and Financial Crime this time focusing on the subject-specific knowledge you will need to help you teach these lessons.
Using the unit of work written by the Home Office and ACT we will explore this intricate area of law using case studies and examples based in law.
Craig the workshop lead was one of the writers of the materials and is confident with this area and what teachers need to know to ensure they can teach these lessons with confidence.
The session will be interactive and allow for plenty of time to explore the resources and consider how they can be used in your setting and what knowledge you and your students need around this important area of law.
Attending all four sessions will lead to participants gaining a certificate from ACT and the Home Office giving national recognition for Fraud and Financial Crime Education Teaching.
Attending any single session will still be of great benefit and all participants will receive a certificate of attendance