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22nd Aug 2022 7:44am News

GCSE Citizenship results 2022 highlight the determination of pupils and teachers

There's renewed interest in political literacy.

Renewed interest in political literacy highlighted in 2022 GCSE Citizenship results 

Today’s GCSE results are a tribute to the determination and resilience of teachers and pupils following two years of disrupted teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic. In schools across the country, teachers have stepped up under immense pressure to ensure their pupils benefit from the best teaching and support possible.

After two years of disrupted teaching we would like to send a special congratulations to all pupils and teachers for the dedication they have shown in the most challenging of circumstances.

Increase in GCSE Citizenship candidates

This year saw another increase in the numbers of pupils achieving GCSE Citizenship Studies, despite over a decade of under investment from Government. Candidate numbers at a little under 22,000 – up from 2021 – and the qualification is offered in around 600 schools and colleges. All pupils take part in an active citizenship project focused on making a positive difference in society which is an essential part of this important qualification.

“The motivation of young people as informed, active citizens who are willing to speak out on issues of concern gives us hope that this generation are equipped to create a more inclusive and just society for all. They value knowledge about politics, the justice system and how our democracy works and show they can take practical steps that contribute to creating positive change in the world today. There is a renewed interest in political literacy. This GCSE has grown from strength to strength since its launch in 2016 and we continue to press for the necessary support and resources from DfE to ensure the subject thrives in more schools and this growth continues apace.” – Liz Moorse, Chief Executive

ACT offers a range of CPD and support for GCSE Citizenship Studies. Teachers and schools are invited to join our forthcoming GCSE teaching network events which include:

  • 30 August – Virtual Staff room– our informal friendly online staffroom for all teachers of citizenship where we will be reflecting on the GCSE and how things went this summer. Sign up here: (Registration closed)
  • 19 September – CPD Where to Start with GCSE Citizenship Studies – the first in a series of GCSE CPD support sessions to help you prepare to teach the qualification. Sign up here: (Registration closed)

Looking forward

In the year ahead, ACT will continue to call upon the government to better support and resource citizenship teaching as a key subject within a broad and balanced curriculum, while working with schools and education leaders to embed best practice and high quality citizenship teaching for every child.

“During the pandemic we saw the public gratitude for key workers, and rightly so. Over the past two years teachers across the UK have shouldered extra responsibilities and routinely worked above and beyond expectations to support their pupils to help them achieve their full potential. Pupils across the country should be tremendously proud of their achievements in GCSE Citizenship Studies and the other qualifications and awards they have received today. It is their hard work and determination that shines through and shows this generation can succeed despite the many educational and personal challenges they have endured.” – Liz Moorse, Chief Executive

This year saw another increase in the numbers of pupils achieving GCSE Citizenship Studies despite over a decade of under investment from Government. Candidate numbers at a little under 22,000 up from 2021 and the qualification is offered in around 600 schools and colleges. All pupils take part in an active citizenship project focused on making a positive difference in society which is an essential part of this important qualification.

“The motivation of young people as informed, active citizens who are willing to speak out on issues of concern gives us hope that this generation are equipped to create a more inclusive and just society for all. They value knowledge about politics, the justice system and how our democracy works and show they can take practical steps that contribute to creating positive change in the world today. There is a renewed interest in political literacy. This GCSE has grown from strength to strength since its launch in 2016 and we continue to press for the necessary support and resources from DfE to ensure the subject thrives in more schools and this growth continues apace.” – Liz Moorse, Chief Executive

ACT offers a range of CPD and support for GCSE Citizenship Studies. Teachers and schools are invited to join our forthcoming GCSE teaching network events which include:

Browse our CPD designed for Citizenship Studies GCSE schools

All our CPD and events