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Does being a citizen of a country make you feel like you belong? Lesson 6 of 6

GCSE • Identities & Communities • Core Curriculum

How can we maintain respect and understanding in our society?

This lesson is part 6 of a sequence of 6 lessons addressing the key enquiry: Why does our changing community identity matter?

In this lesson, students will draw upon their knowledge from across the lessons in this series. They will analyse the concept of belonging and the importance of this within the range of communities in which they are involved. They will briefly consider what an incohesive community might be like and then assess how they might be active citizens in ensuring that communities are cohesive, allowing every citizen to have a sense of belonging.

Students will work towards answering the following questions:

1. What is belonging?
2. How is personal identity connected to a sense of belonging?
3. Can we improve community cohesion?

Return the the scheme of work overview

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