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Expert Led Webinar: LGBT Laws and Hate Crime with the University of Law

Rights and equality

This webinar was delivered by the University of Law Pro Bono team and Bar Practice course students. The session focuses on developing teacher knowledge of the law in relation to LGBT rights and hate crime.

  • Find a list of useful links, including classroom resources, information sources and legal cases on the final slides.
  • Access The University of Law’s collection of form time/assembly activities on human rights, LGBTQ+ laws and International Women’s Day,
  • Read the article on page 34 of Teaching Citizenship Issue 46: Human Rights by Peter Thatchel, ‘Sexual Offences Act 1997- reform and repression’. A first step on the long road to LGBT liberation.

If you would be interested in having the Pro Bono students visit your classroom to deliver a particular topic around the law, please get in touch with supervising tutor, Douglas Lloyd.