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How can I find out what people really think about my issue? Lesson 6 of 11

GCSE • Active citizenship, making a positive difference • Model curriculum

How can I find out what people really think about my issue?

This lesson is part 6 of a sequence of 11 lessons addressing the key enquiry: How can I be a changemaker in my local community?

This lesson equips students with skills to conduct primary research, emphasisng the creation and use of surveys. Students explore the distinction between open and closed questions and design their own surveys tailored to their active citizenship projects. The lesson highlights key considerations such as selecting appropriate survey participants, ensuring question relevance, and safeguarding practices during research activities. Students use a provided worksheet to plan, execute, and document their primary research while receiving teacher guidance to ensure ethical and effective research practices. The session concludes with reflection on question types and a takeaway task to conduct further primary research.

Students will work towards answering the following learning questions:
  • How can I conduct primary research?
  • How do I conduct a survey?
  • How should I capture my primary research?
Return the the unit overview

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