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How can political decisions impact the health of our society? (Unit of work)

Key stage 3 • Finance and economy • Model curriculum

How can political decisions impact the health of our society?

About this unit

This synoptic unit is designed to help students make sense of some of the concepts and ideas they have studied so far in Citizenship. They consider how decisions made by the Government, particularly in relation to legislation and public spending can impact the health of society. Smoking and taxation is used as a case study with which to explore these concepts.

Students begin by considering what is needed in order for society to function successfully, distinguishing between wants and needs. They then investigate the public services that meet society’s needs and how they are funded, with a focus on taxation. Students go on to consider how the Government prioritises spending, specifically in relation to health. They examine the budget and expenditure of the NHS with a focus on smoking, evaluating the taxation involved in the sale of tobacco. They then consider how the Government is held to account for decisions, paying attention to select committees and making recommendations to the Government with regard to smoking in society. Students go on to consider how behavioural change, particularly in relation to health, can be encouraged or even enforced by the law, recapping how a bill becomes a law. Finally, they draw together their learning from previous lessons and consider the best ways for decision-makers to help to create a healthier society.

This unit forms part of our model core curriculum which is exclusively available to School and College Members.

National curriculum links
The functions and uses of money, the importance and practice of budgeting, and managing risk.

Citizenship skills
Making judgements, decision-making, investigation, community cohesion, planning, political literacy, financial literacy, analysis, active participation, collaborative working, evaluation

Citizenship concepts
Economy, fairness, ethics, society, power, human rights, public service, responsibilities, legislation, active citizenship, democracy, change, making a difference

Building progression
This unit is part of ACT’s model core curriculum for Citizenship in secondary schools, which has been designed to develop and deepen students’ knowledge, skills and understanding throughout Key Stages 3 and 4. Other units linked to this Year 8 unit include:

Year 7: How can we be informed consumers?

Year 8: Who really has the power to bring about change in our local communities?

Year 8: Why is the local economy important to society?

Year 11: What has the UK economy got to do with me?

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