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How can we present our findings about fairness to those in power? Lesson 6 of 6

Key stage 3 (ages 11-14) • Active Citizenship • Lesson and support materials

How can we present our findings about fairness to those in power?

This lesson is part 6 of a sequence of 6 lessons addressing the key enquiry: What role can I play in making our school a fairer place?

As the culmination of this scheme of work, students present their findings about fairness in school to a changemaker. Ideally this will be a live classroom experience, but if this is not possible then students’ presentations could be filmed and shared. Ultimately, the goal is to give them a real opportunity to put their perspectives across and start to feel that they can make a contribution to life in school.

Students will work towards answering the following questions:
  1. What skills are important when delivering a presentation?
  2. How can I assess my developing Citizenship skills and knowledge?
  3. Can we play a role in making school a fairer place?
Return to the scheme of work overview

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