How can we raise awareness about being an informed consumer? Lesson 6 of 6
Key stage 3 • Sustainablity and climate • Lessons
How can we raise awareness about being an informed consumer?
This lesson is part 6 of a sequence of 6 lessons addressing the key enquiry: How can we be informed consumers?
To conclude this unit, students investigate how they can raise awareness of how to be an informed consumer. They begin by exploring what being an informed consumer means and its relationship to consumer power. They then consider different ways of raising awareness, before planning an advertising campaign. They peer assess each other’s work, voting for the most effective campaign plan. The lesson culminates in a discussion of the key enquiry question: How can we be informed consumers?
Students will work towards answering the following questions:
- What is an informed consumer?
- As informed consumers, what should we think about when we shop?
- How can we encourage others to become informed consumers?
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