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What can I find out about my issue? Part 1 - Lesson 4 of 11

GCSE • Active citizenship, making a positive difference • Model curriculum

What can I find out about my issue? Secondary research – part 1

This lesson is part 4 of a sequence of 11 lessons addressing the key enquiry: How can I be a changemaker in my local community?

This lesson helps students understand how to conduct secondary research for their active citizenship projects by identifying reliable sources and evaluating their credibility. Students differentiate between primary and secondary data, compile potential sources, and practice applying these concepts to their chosen social issues. Through guided tasks, they develop research questions, explore secondary data sources, and learn five key factors for assessing source reliability, such as authorship, expertise and bias. The lesson emphasises critical thinking, evaluation, and informed decision-making, culminating in a reflective activity on the importance of using trustworthy information.

Students will work towards answering the following learning questions:
  • How can I find out about my chosen issue?
  • How can I decide what I need to find out?
  • How can I check the reliability of the secondary sources I choose?
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