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What is Parliament and what are its functions? Lesson 2 of 6

GCSE • Politics, Parliament and Government • Model curriculum

What is Parliament and what are its functions?

This lesson is part 2 of a sequence of 6 lessons addressing the key enquiry: Should the UK be called a democracy?

In this lesson, students recap knowledge from the previous lesson and develop critical thinking about the link between Parliament and democracy. They find out about parliamentary functions and consider whether there are enough checks on the prime minister. This lesson has been designed for delivery as a double lesson. Timings for each task are given as guidelines.

Students will work towards answering the following questions:
  1. What is the link between Parliament and democracy?
  2. What is Parliament’s purpose?
  3. How are the UK Parliament and government organised?
  4. Are there enough checks on the prime minister?
  5. How do the monarch, legislature, executive and judiciary work together?
Return the the unit overview

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