What’s the connection between clothes and human rights? Lesson 4 of 6
Key stage 3 • Sustainablity and climate • Lessons
What’s the connection between clothes and human rights?
This lesson is part 4 of a sequence of 6 lessons addressing the key enquiry: How can we be informed consumers?
In this lesson, students explore the relationship between human rights and the clothing industry. They learn about human rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Through a series of case studies, they investigate how human rights issues affect workers in the clothing industry. They go on to look specifically at fast fashion – what it means and its impact on the environment and human rights. This fosters a sense of their own responsibility and ethical awareness as consumers.
Students will work towards answering the following questions:
- What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
- What human rights issues affect the clothing industry?
- What is fast fashion’s impact on the environment and human rights?
- Can following fashion lead us to violate human rights?
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