Where does the government’s money come from? Lesson 1 of 6
GCSE • Finance and economy • Model curriculum
Where does the government’s money come from?
This lesson is part 1 of a sequence of 6 lessons addressing the key enquiry: What has the UK economy got to do with me?
In this lesson, students begin to understand the important part that taxation plays in providing the government with money to pay for public services. They learn about different types of tax, find out about the Budget, and learn about why and how the government uses windfall taxation. They focus on a case study looking at whether the tax paid by a specific company is fair and consider more generally whether it is fair for companies to pay different amounts of tax.
Students will work towards answering the following questions:
- Where does the national government’s money come from?
- What are the different types of taxes?
- What is the Budget?
- Is it fair for companies to pay different amounts of tax?
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