Which current social media influencers and community volunteers are powerful and influential? Lesson 4 of 6
Key stage 3 • Active citizenship, making a positive difference • Lessons
Which current social media influencers and community volunteers are powerful and influential?
This lesson is part 4 of a sequence of 6 lessons addressing the key enquiry: Community volunteers or social media influencers – who has the most power and influence?
Students investigate how organising and participating in an exhibition demonstrates advocacy. They discuss how to create their own class exhibition about people who are influential in the local community. They research social media influencers and community campaigners and decide who to focus on for their contribution to the exhibition (e.g. a poster, leaflet, video, or digital presentation).
Students will work towards answering the following questions:
- How does organising and participating in an exhibition demonstrate advocacy?
- Which current social media influencer or community volunteer could I focus on?
- How could I conduct my research and present my work effectively for the exhibition?
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