Which system of voting is best? Lesson 2 of 6
Key stage 3 (ages 11-14) • Politics, Parliament & Government • Lesson and support materials
Which system of voting is best?
This lesson is part 2 of a sequence of 6 lessons addressing the key enquiry: Are elections the best way to decide who runs the country?
Students learn about three voting systems used in democracies – first past the post, single transferable vote, and proportional representation. To apply their learning, they take part in a simulated vote count using each system. Based on what they have learnt, they then write a short report advising the Prime Minister on whether the current system should be changed and take part in a class discussion and vote on related questions.
Students will work towards answering the following questions:
- What voting systems are used to elect candidates in democracies?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of different voting systems?
- Should we keep the first past the post voting system in the UK?
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