Who has power in our school community? Lesson 3 of 6
Key stage 3 (ages 11-14) • Active Citizenship • Lesson and support materials
Who has power in our school community?
This lesson is part 3 of a sequence of 6 lessons addressing the key enquiry: What role can I play in making our school a fairer place?
Having considered rights and responsibilities in school, students go on to explore the concept of power. They consider the part that power plays in different aspects of their lives. They identify different types of people who have power in school and establish a hierarchy of power. Finally, they consider their own power to influence the school community and learn about opportunities for student voice.
Students will work towards answering the following questions:
- What is power among people?
- How does power play a part in your life?
- Who has power in our school community?
- As students, do we have the power to influence our school?
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