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28th Feb 2020 12:07pm News

Spring into Summer with new ACT CPD and Regional Hubs!

New ACT CPD for summer.

Check out upcoming ACT CPD this summer.

Regional Hub Meetings are coming up on March 18th and April 1st. These take place after school and are online meetings that connect ACT Ambassadors with teachers to share expertise. This series is based on Developing an Educational Approach to Prevent and becoming confident in teaching controversial issues. With input from Lee Jerome, Associate professor of Education at Middlesex University, regional teaching hubs are an ideal way to meet with other teachers and develop your curriculum provision for Citizenship. Book your place (Event closed)

On Tuesday March 10th at 5pm, a CPD webinar will be led by Zoe Baker, our Lead Secondary Adviser, and will cover Planning your Key stage 3 Curriculum. Book here (Event closed)

On Thursday 26th March at 5pm experienced Citizenship teachers Helen and Zoe will run an online webinar will help with tips and examples on revision and retrieval practice for GCSE revision. Book here (Event closed)

Save the date! On Friday 10th July we have a one-day National CPD course titled ‘Information disorder! How should schools respond? A CPD day for teachers on how citizenship delivers the new RSE requirements for online, media, the law, internet safety and harms.’ 

Based on a USA trip around media literacy last year, and inspired by the work of schools in Finland and Kari Kivinen on ‘information disorder,’ the day will look at  misinformation, disinformation, mal-information as well as critically engaging with different information and planning and sequencing your curriculum accordingly.