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Citizenship Improvement Plan

Citizenship improvement action plan

This planning template has been designed to help you consider and improve your Citizenship provision by focusing on four themes from the ACT Quality Standard for Schools:

  • Leadership
  • Curriculum – teaching and learning
  • Active Citizenship
  • Citizenship professional development.

By working through the plan you will consider what actions to include as you move Citizenship forward in your school or college. It may be helpful to consider this in conjunction with your School Improvement Plan and the Ofsted School Inspection framework which highlights the expectations for outstanding provision.

Think about your vision or big picture for Citizenship:

  • What are we trying to achieve? (Intent)
  • How will we organise our provision? (Implementation)
  • How will we know if we are being successful? (Impact)

ACT has also provided a Big Picture vision for Citizenship as further guidance.

Why not consider signing up for the ACT Quality Standard for Citizenship to help you improve your provision.

Take the National Citizenship Education Survey to help you evaluate how well your schools is providing Citizenship.