Sustainability and environmental policy
Our Commitment
ACT recognises that sustainability and environmental management is an essential part of overall good practice in the charity sector. ACT will therefore strive to adopt the highest environmental standards in all its areas of operation. We focus on continual improvement with the main aim of becoming a zero carbon and waste organisation.
ACT involves staff and members in implementing this policy internally, and in disseminating information externally about its progress in improving environmental standards.
We will do this by making our policy publicly available and by making it clear in our new staff induction process.
ACT has already made significant progress in mitigating its environmental impact in relation to:
- reducing use of resources such as paper and printing, energy at our events and conferences
- encouraging recycling including of IT equipment
- procuring sustainable office stationery, supplies and printing
- using local sourced, Fairtrade products and tap water
- encouraging the use of public transport to meetings and events.
To improve our environmental performance we will:
- further commit to energy and waste reduction
- investigate Carbon offsetting or other measures to reduce our carbon footprint, such as in relation to our meetings and conferences
- look to work with suppliers and organisations who share our commitment to sustainability and minimising environmental impact.