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What issues are there in my local community? Lesson 1 of 11

GCSE • Active citizenship, making a positive difference • Model curriculum

What issues are there in my local community?

This lesson is part 1 of a sequence of 11 lessons addressing the key enquiry: How can I be a changemaker in my local community?

This lesson introduces students to the concept of community and the role of individuals in bringing about positive change. Starting with a discussion of  Bayard Rustin’s quote on “angelic troublemakers,” students will reflect on peaceful, democratic actions that challenge the status quo. Through collaborative activities, they will explore the meaning of community, identify the groups they belong to, and map key people, places, and facilities in their local area. The lesson also introduces the idea of a “changemaker,” prompting students to identify local issues and consider how they can advocate for change. A written reflection on community changemakers and a takeaway task to research local representatives encourage students to extend their learning and civic engagement beyond the classroom.

Students will work towards the following learning objectives:
  • What makes a community?
  • What are the key features of my local community?
  • What issues are there in my local community?
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