Key Stage 4 Model Core Citizenship Curriculum - curriculum overview and resources
GCSE • Model curriculum
Key Stage 4 Citizenship – Curriculum Map
Our model curriculum for key stage 4 is mapped to the Citizenship National Curriculum for England, and ACT’s 9 Principles of Effective Citizenship Education. The model curriculum is sequenced to take your students through all the required content. Knowledge, understanding and skills taught in key stage 3 are developed and deepened. The model curriculum is designed to promote critical thinking and active learning by using overarching key enquiries as a basis for each scheme. Our model core curriculum resources are only available to School and College members.
Units of work
The units of work in the new model curriculum are available with lesson plans, slides and student resources. They are ready to use and adapt to support you in providing rigorous, progressive and engaging teaching.
- Why does our changing community identity matter? (Complete pack of 6 lessons)
- What tools can we use to challenge injustice in our communities? (Complete pack of 6 lessons)
- Who really has the power to make change? (Coming soon)
- Should the UK be called a democracy? (Complete pack of 6 lessons)
- How can I be a changemaker in my community? (Complete pack of 11 lessons)
- What has the UK economy got to do with me? (Complete pack of 6 lessons)
- Does our legal system protect citizen’s rights? (Complete pack of 6 lessons)
- How can we become future political leaders? (Complete pack of 6 lessons)
Teaching key stage 4 citizenship knowledge
Students are taught substantive knowledge on a range of topics including politics, parliament, power and the law. They explore human rights, justice, equality, the economy, communities and the UK’s role in the wider world. They learn to use and apply their knowledge as they develop capacities to be informed, responsible and active citizens.
Teaching key stage 4 citizenship skills
Students will develop the skills to: think critically about complex issues; evaluate sources and weigh up evidence; problem-solving; take part in debates, advocate their viewpoint and sustain arguments; and take forward different kinds of democratic and responsible action on issues and matters of concern to them.
- Does our legal system protect citizen's rights?
- How can I be a changemaker in my community?
- How can we become future political leaders?
- Should the UK be called a democracy?
- Why does our changing community identity matter?
- What has the UK economy got to do with me?
- What tools can we use to challenge injustice in our communities?