How do I choose a topic to investigate? Lesson 3 of 11
GCSE • Active Citizenship • Core Curriculum
How do I choose a topic to investigate?
This lesson is part 3 of a sequence of 11 lessons addressing the key enquiry: How can I be a changemaker in my local community?
In this lesson students consider what we mean by the term social issue and will explore the social issues which are relevant to them in their own community. Students will have the opportunity to make a decision about the issue they would like to focus their action project on for the remainder of this sequence of lessons. In addition, students will consider what they hope to achieve from taking action and how they will evaluate impact.
Students will work towards answering the following learning questions:
- How can I recognise key social issues which affect my local community?
- How do I choose the social issue I would like to focus my action on?
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