'Welcome to Your Vote' week (w/c 30 Jan 2023)
Electoral Commission reignites campaign to boost young people's democratic engagement
Electoral Commission campaign returns for its second year
30 January 2023 – 5 February 2023
The Electoral Commission is hosting its second annual UK-wide Welcome to Your Vote week, running 30 January to 5 February 2023. This year’s theme is ‘Our Democracy’ and will help young people understand that politics and democracy impacts everything around them.
The Electoral Commission is asking teachers and educators to help young people to learn more about their democracy and their vote by delivering democratic education during the week. This could take the form of a lesson, an assembly, a registration drive, an off-timetable democracy day, or a short activity.
We want to show young people that politics and democracy impacts everything around them. From how long they stay in education to the rules of renting, from 5G availability to how often bins are collected.
To get involved with the week, sign up at the Electoral Commission website and receive free downloadable resources.
Share your plans on social media using #WelcomeToYourVote
Download ACT resources specifically developed for Welcome to Your Vote week:
This lesson looks at how to register to vote, the voter registration drive, and why registering to vote is so important.